Discovery Channel Project: Meteora, Greece

The team just recently completed the fliming for The Discovery Channel program, Daily Planet, with an epic journey back to Greece, and the breath-taking towers of Meteora. The segments are now ready and can be viewed here:

The team worked very hard for this project, a full description is coming soon. In short, we were able to rent a car with the money from our sponsors, Deuter, Gibbon andTheDiscoveryChannel, but only two ofus were allowed to drive becuase of rental car rules.That means that Kwjet and Wojtek had to share the more than 30 hours driving in a little more than 2 days. Luckily, we were able to get in touch with Vasilli, a friend we had met the year before, and he invited us to stay on the porch of his parent's house .

Then it was off to work. In total, we rigged three new lines, 25m 'Nunasfuk', 47m 'Spinning Particles' and 72m 'Monkey Business.' We had only 8 days there, because the cost of the rental car was almost unmanageable, and that meant that every day was spent doing something, climbing, ascending, rigging or walking.

The weather was really helpful, we had some hints of a storm, but it remained above 40 C for the entire time, which was in itself a bit exhausting. But all in all, the trip was a huge success, we have had more than 2600 views of the video in the first three days, and we are all very excited.

Together with filmmaker Wojtek Kozakiewicz, we established 3 new lines and had some really adventurous climbing.

Video and pics coming soon...